Channa pardalis

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thank u tomaso for your reply

yeah each channa has his own personality that's the beautifull of this species.

About feeding, i already give larwa of tenebrio molitor and morio so mine it's 15 cm. He's still a young channa so how many times do i need to feed him i mean the maximum i can feed him?
Do i need to not feed for 1-2 days in a week?

Imo you can do two days without feeding. For example monday and thursday.


--- Cytat: zoun w 05 Września 2021, 11:08 ---Oh but i see that in the nature pardalis is eating insect it's not the best for their metabolism?

--- Koniec cytatu ---

Yeah insects are very good for snakeheads and for their metabolism.

--- Cytat: zoun w 05 Września 2021, 11:08 ---What others foods should i give to him? Because i checked the fat and protein in the mealWorm and it's not so bad like 25% of protein and 13% of fat. I also have mussels.

Please give me what u think is the best food for him ill give to because i think he will eat whatever i put in the tank.

--- Koniec cytatu ---

Crickets,flies,spiders,moths and other insects.

--- Cytat: zoun w 05 Września 2021, 11:08 ---Mhhhh yeah i think it's better to let him alone in the tank no? Because he's super agressive everything falling down in the water he's directly attack it.

--- Koniec cytatu ---

Up to you.
Not everyone wants to watch only one fish in tank ;)

--- Cytat: zoun w 05 Września 2021, 11:08 ---I know the cooler period it's gonna coming but i want to grow him fast do u guys have some advices to grow him up? It's depending each species but i think he can grow up to 30 cm right?

--- Koniec cytatu ---

Yep around 30cm.
It will grow so dont worry.
The most important thing is DO NOT OVERFEED it.

--- Cytat: zoun w 05 Września 2021, 11:08 ---Regardless mine is agressive do u think i can put another gender of the "pardalis"? Because a local store in belgium has an channa Aristonei available so i wanted to keep it but i don't know if he's gonna survive with my pardalis.

--- Koniec cytatu ---

But how do you know that your fish is a boy at 15cm? :)
And do you know the difference between male and female?

Never ever keep together different species !

The best option is to buy a group(around 4-8) of young snakeheads of same species and let them do everything themself.

--- Cytat: zoun w 06 Września 2021, 11:30 ---About feeding, i already give larwa of tenebrio molitor and morio so mine it's 15 cm. He's still a young channa so how many times do i need to feed him i mean the maximum i can feed him?
Do i need to not feed for 1-2 days in a week?

--- Koniec cytatu ---

At this size u can feed it about 3 times a week.
You can feed every other day.
One day food,next day nothing,next day food and again next day no food.
It is very easy to overfeed snakeheads.
And they become unhealthy and ill.


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